Seamless, accurate and efficient building compliance

Whether you are a solo LBP or a residential building Project Manager, SmartBuild is a must-have digital tool in your professional toolbox.

Greater accuracy and efficiency

With many LBPs and multiple forms in the mix, it is always possible to make costly errors.  The SmartBuild system automates tasks ensuring error-free operations. It will save you and your business time that can be used on other tasks.

Everything is online! Simply log in to your account, tick the boxes and send forms directly with one click – job done.

Will remember your LBP details every time and all forms are Automatically signed and dated

No writing, printing, scanning or attaching forms to emails

Auto-populates the Owner and Project details on the Trade LBPs Memorandum forms

An automatic notification is sent to the Council/BCA when an LBP joins a Project

SmartBuild LBP Memorandum forms are error-free and are compliant with the Building Act 2004

Project management made easy

With SmartBuild, building compliance is as simple as ticking a box. Starting with the Certificate of Design Work right through to obtaining the Code of Compliance Certificate. Manage all LBP Memorandum forms required for each building project in one single platform.

Complete and submit all Record of Work Memorandums to the Council/BCA in one go for speedy results when applying for the Code Compliance Certificate

The SmartBuild Dashboard provides real-time reports showing the status of Project’s LBPs Memorandum forms allowing for managing staged payments and staged inspection forms

Upload and share project documents with all project membres including LBPs, Non LBPs and Admin members. Members can upload documents and photos providing a single place for all project records

Manage and filter the Project documents and share these with the building owners for their records

Project Manager is the default role when you start a new Project. You can assign an Admin role and re-assign the Project Manager and Admin role to others anytime

Invite your Sub-Contracting Businesses to your Project

SmartBuild will remember your LBP details every time and all your forms are automatically signed and dated

Automatic LBP license checks, and matching Restricted Building work tasks to licenses

Can you imagine the stress and hassle caused if you found out you have sent an LBP Memorandum form while the person’s LBP license does not check out and is rejected by the Council/BCA?

SmartBuild automatically checks LBPs license status in real time on the MBIE LBP Register

SmartBuild automatically matches the Restricted Building Work tasks to the LBPs license class

It is impossible to engage un-licensed persons to do LBP tasks and it is impossible for LBPs to do tasks that do not match their license

Automatic reconciliation of Restricted Building Work tasks

Let’s face it. There is heaps of red tape to be mindful of and things could go wrong anytime. One of the most commonly overlooked task is matching the consented Design RBW tasks with the Trade RBW tasks. SmartBuild ensures all RBW tasks listed in the Building Consent are allocated to Trade LBPs. No last minute stress.

When using SmartBuild, the best results are achieved when the Designers complete the Design Memorandum form using SmartBuild, however, this step can be easily bypassed

SmartBuild automatically recognizes the Design RBW tasks and creates a list of Trade LBP licenses required for each task

Assign tasks to your ‘regular’ team of LBPs, set up new teams, and invite sub-contractors to your Project

Easy-as for all LBPs to complete, sign and submit Certificate of Design Work and Record of Work Memorandum forms

Upload, store, manage, search and complete your compliance forms online

An automatic notification is sent to the Building Consent Authority Council/BCA when an LBP joins a Project

Easy access to all records for 10 years

10 years is one of the longest personal liability terms existing here in NZ. Although you may not avoid LBP type claims against you, keeping detailed and un-altered records may be the difference between paying up or not so why risk it?

SmartBuild will securely archive your records for 10 years

SmartBuild will save your authentic, un-altered LBP Memorandum forms

Easily search, access and retrieve your super detailed records anytime within the 10-year liability period

Mitigate and manage risks and loss of reputation for your team and for your own business