Easy to build

Benefits and features of SmartBuild Gold

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Allows you to manage a Project with over 5 LBPs.

You can be a Project Manager, an LBP or both and you can re-assign your roles to others at any point.

Review project status at any point via a Project Activity Dashboard.

The project information is entered automatically on the compliance form for each LBP on your Project Team. No more incomplete forms.

Automatic reconciliation of Design and Trade RBW forms. The system will alerts you if any tasks are outstanding.

Invite LBP team members to take care of the project’s RBW tasks.

Only licensed Project team members are added up to determine the numbers for Silver or Gold Projects.

Easily invite individual members or make up a regular team/s for future invitations.

You and all your Project team members can load and share project files, plans, and photos documents directly onto the Project. An ideal supervision tool.

Invited members can include an unlimited number of non-licensed team members.

All members you invite get free access to your SmartBuild Project. (refer to SmartBuild Bronze to see more details).

The licence status of LBP’s invited to a project is automatically checked against the MBIE Register.

SmartBuild will automatically send notification of LBP engagement or disengagement to the relevant BCA.

Email or upload all project documents to the BCA with one click.

All project records are securely archived for 10 years. You can easily reach your documents anytime.

Help your LBP team members keep on top of their own compliance requirements.

Compile a Maintenance Schedule and share it and any other relevant documents with the homeowner.
